Current courses
Citation guidelines (Fall 2021)
Citation, quotation advice -
Handout: Teaching in Special Collections (feel free to re-use, with attribution) (Spring 2018)
Leah Price Special collections handout -
Methods in the History of Books and Reading (Fall 2019)
English 508
Past courses
Theory and Practice of the Victorian Novel (Fall 2021)
English 256n -
How to Read a Book: Seminar (Spring 2017)
English 90HT -
The Nineteenth-Century Novel (Fall 2016)
English 151 -
How to Read a Book (Spring 2015)
English 90HT -
Sexing Victorian Fiction: Seminar (Spring 2013)
English 90SV Home -
Methods in Book History: Graduate Seminar (Fall 2012)
English 259 Home
Dissertations in progress:
At Rutgers:
· David Tate (on bibliotherapy)
· Catie Piwinski (on the contemporary artist’s book)
· Javiera Barrientos (on materials and tools in
book history)
· Vianna Iorio (on Victorian melodrama)
Dissertations completed:
At Harvard, as committee chair:
Matt Franks (“Stages of Subscription, 1880-1922”)
Lecturer in Drama (tenure-track), University of Warwick
Rachel Stern, “Fictions of Selfhood in the Age of the Social Fact”
Porter White, The Progress of Pilgrimage: Site, Route, and Spirit in Nineteenth-Century Britain (VAP at Stonehill College)
Heather Brink-Roby “Typical People in the Nineteenth-Century Novel”
Junior Research Fellow, Magdalene College, Cambridge University; Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities, Stanford; Lecturer, National University of Singapore
Lesley Goodman “Indignant Reading”
Assistant professor, Albright College.
Liz Maynes-Aminzade “Victorian Macrorealism” (ACLS fellow, Public Books; games editor, New Yorker)
Matthew Sussman “Stylistic Virtue in Nineteenth-Century Fiction”
Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney
Maia McAleavey, “The Shadowy Third: Bigamy and the Victorian Novel”
Associate Professor of English, Boston College
Daniel Pollack-Pelzner,“Talking Shakespeare in the Nineteenth‑Century British Novel”
Assistant Professor of English, Linfield College
Hannah Sullivan, “Passionate Correction: The Theory and Practice of Modernist Revision”
Professor of English, Oxford University.
Melissa Jenkins, “The Father Refigured”
Associate Professor of English, Wake Forest University
At Harvard, as committee member:
Tess McNulty, “Content Culture”
Postdoc in media studies, Dartmouth College
Sezen Unluonen, “Art as Object of Historical Knowledge in the 19th century”
Lecturer, Tel Aviv University
Alex Creighton, “Fiction’s Metronomes: Music, Time, and the Eighteenth-Century British Novel”
Emily Silk (“Uncommon Schools: Literature and the Rise of Public Education in America
editor, Harvard University Press.
Amanda Auerbach (Getting Lost in the 18th- and 19th-Century Novel)
Alison Chapman (The Corner of the Eye: Peripheral Attention and the English Novel)
Annie Wyman (Funny Book: Studies in the Comic Novel)
Carra Glatt, “Counterfactuals in the Nineteenth Century Novel” (2016)
Daniel Williams, “The Hap of Things: Uncertainty and the English Novel” (2015)
Harvard Society of Fellows
Margaret Rennix, “Cognitive Binding: 19th Century Literature and the Structure of Thought” (2015)
Harvard Expository Writing Program
Laura Johnson Forsberg, “The Miniature and Victorian Literature” (2015)
Fellow, Huntington Library
Matthew Ocheltree, “The Adventure of Origins, the Politics of Genre, and the Archaeology of the Future in Romanticism” (2015)
R.J. Jenkins (on ethology and the Victorian novel) (2015)
Senior Assistant Dean of Students, Columbia University
Greta Pane, “The First Scale of Attention: Linguistic Form and Aesthetic Experience in the Novel” (2013)
Kilachand Postdoctoral Fellow, Boston University
Elaine Auyoung, “Partial Cues and the Promise of More in Nineteenth-Century Realism” (2011)
Associate Professor, University of Minnesota
Sarah Wagner-McCoy, “Transatlantic pastoral and the realist novel” (2011)
Associate Professor of English, Reid College
Jacob Jost, “Prose immortality, 1711-1791” (2011)
Junior Fellow, Harvard Society of Fellows; Assistant Professor, Dickinson College
Julia Lee, “The American Slave Narrative and the Victorian Novel, 1833-1863” (2008)
Assistant Professor, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Debra Gettelman, “Reverie, Reading and the Victorian Novel” (2005)
Associate Professor of English, College of the Holy Cross
Matthew Rubery “The Novelty of News: Victorian Fiction after the Invention of the Newspaper” (2004)
Reader in English, Queen Mary, University of London
Allen MacDuffie (“The City and the Sun: The Rise of Energy Culture in Victorian Britain,” 2007. Third reader.)
Assistant Professor of English, University of Texas, Austin
Guillermo Bleichmar (Comparative Literature; “Reconciliations with reality: The affect of literary realism from Wordsworth to Joyce,” 2007. Third reader)
Tutor, St. John’s College
Monica Lewis (“Anthony Trollope Among the Moderns: Reading Aloud in Britain 1850‑1960,” 2006. Third reader)
Teacher, St. Alban’s School
Elsewhere: Aruni Mahapatra (Emory University), (representations of scholarship in nineteenth-century Odia fiction).
Simon Reader (Toronto Ph.D.: “Thinking in Pieces: Victorian Notebooks and Notation”; now tenure-track assistant professor, CUNY-Staten Island)